
What is the biggest regret of your life so far?

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What is the biggest regret of your life so far?




  1. My first husband.

  2. this is going to sound crazy but for some it could be LOVE. love is a two edge sword. i never new love until i fell for someone 4 years ago, then for no reason this person walked out of my life, my heart will forever bleed from this pain of love, is this why love is represented by a heart with an arrow through it? as the quote goes: "is it better to love than to never have loved at all?" i don't regret falling in love because it can be wonderfull, but it sure can also devastate you as well.-blurey

  3. being born, I am #5 out of 5 { youngest} is not the greatest thing, I got blamed for everything that the others did...

  4. Leaving the College of Medicine for a person who doesn't deserve this sacrifice....

  5. Allowing pride and fear to keep me from asking for help on my dream job, which caused me to be fired anyway.

  6. My only regret would be that I hadn't forgiven everyone in my life. I can't think of anyone I haven't now.

  7. Quitting a job that was paid me $15.62/hr.

  8. not living with a woman that loves me

    no woman want to  be board to death intentionally.

  9. Not concentrating on my golf career when I was young ...... Tiger Woods makes 122 million last year .......only if I would hvae kept practicing everyday ...... I would love to be Tiger Woods ...... lol ...... = )

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