
What is the biggest relationship crumbler for you...

by  |  earlier

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...and I don't mean just romantic relationships... friendships are relationships, too!

...for me, it's broken promises and people who can't keep their word...




  1. people that just dont know how to have fun and never joke around or laugh and are just sad and emo and negative all the time.and when they never want to hang out and also if they never try to keep in contact with you even if you try to stay in touch with them, for example if you never called them just to see if they would call you first, you still wouldnt hear from them ever again or for a long time because they never think to pick up the phone. it yanks my chain!!

  2. Infidelity of any kind - sexual is the obvious, but there are many other additional kinds of commitments or understandings that can be broken or violated. Nobody wants lies.

    And BTW Milton, I have my own red swingline stapler... did you know Grand & Toy sells them now :D

  3. feeling unappreciated!

  4. broken promises are always a killer for me too, but I also can't stand dishonesty.  I'm always honest, my friends know that too so I prefer them to be the same too.

  5. Anyone that lies to me and people that are only there for the good times and not the bad.

  6. Milton, for me the deal breaker is lies.  If a person has to fabricate stories and/or lie then when and how do you know how to learn when they are being honest.

  7. I would have to say when they eat all my food without asking...

  8. Broken promises because lies and cheating fall under that category.

  9. Trust. Plain and simple.  

  10. someone that thinks it's okay to be dishonest and disloyal?..i hate liars and cheaters:(!

  11. liars, I just can't deal with them

  12. Lie and cheat

  13. Totally agree - dishonesty crumbles most relationships. Dishonesty covers a wide range of behaviors from outright lies to infidelity, insincerity & broken promises etc. If you can't trust someone, you lose respect for them.  That applies to any relationship - romantic, friendship, family, business etc.  Once the respect is gone, the basis for the relationship is gone.

  14. people who lie or don't appreciate the friendship enough

  15. a lying cheating fu**ing bas****

  16. People who lie and who do not listen

  17. People who brake plans all the time, won't leave thier house, are lazy, and undependable.

  18. when people lie...back stabbers, disrespectful people

  19. Arrogance and selfishness

  20. liers

  21. betrayal

  22. being lied to!

    i dont like that at all!

    im  a big girl, i can take the truth!

  23. rudeness and learning that they've talked behind my back.

  24. It is definitely lying.

  25. Unreliable & inconsiderate behaviour...I'm exactly the oposite so I expect the same from my friends & get upset if that does not happen

  26. guys who play soccer hahah jk

    i hate when they break promises or lie to ur face

  27. Dishonesty would be one, as well as prejudice or racism. I am generally able to forgive most things, because I know that I need to be forgiven too sometimes.

  28. People who betray my trust... meaning spreading rumors, keeping things from me that they KNOW i should be informed of, or if they raise a hand to me. I hold grudges and can never let them go.

  29. Lies!

  30. People who smokes. That's the biggest turn off in the world. Also when people can't keep there promises. It's lame.  

  31. liars, people who don't keep promises

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