
What is the blast radius of a 50-kilogram bomb (like those used in Guernica)?

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I'd prefer to know some specific points too, such as how far one would have to be to be blown off one's feet, be relatively unharmed, etc. etc. etc, Thanks!

(Also, I apologize if this is in the wrong category)




  1. The bombs dropped on Guernica were mostly the German SC type.

    SC = SPRENGBOMBE CYLINDRICH (thin cased general purpose). These had for blast effect, a high charge ratio 55 percent explosive, and were used primarily for general demolition. Approximately 8 out of 10 of German high explosive bombs dropped on the UK were of the SC type. Those dropped locally were the 50kg, 250kg, 500kg, 1000kg "Hermann", and 1800kg "Satan" versions.

    As far as I can remember, a 500kg SC (SC 500), has an immediate blast radius of approximately 100 yards, meaning, if you were standing 50 yards from from it when it went off you would be blown off one's feet to say the least.

    So based on that, a small 50kg SC (SC 50), has an immediate blast radius of approximately 10 yards which doesn't sound like very much but when you take into account the shrapnel and other flying debris, I wouldn't want to be any closer than about 75-100 yards if one went off.

    So I suppose you could say its total blast radius is somewhere between 75 and 100 yards if you think of the possible damage it can do.

    I hope my memory is correct and I've given you the right answer, if not I am truely sorry.

    Edit# My calculations are based on explosions in an open field. If the same explosions were to happen in a confined area, such as a town center surrounded by compacted buildings, the devastation would be much greater.


    A 50kg WW2 German SC bomb explosion in an open field would at a distance of say;

    5 yards.......COMPLETELY blow you off your feet and probably into pieces.

    10 yards.....Blow you off your feet with some major injuries.

    15 yards.....Probably knock you down with some minor injuries.

    75 yards.....Most likely shower you with much mud fragments.

    100 yards...Let you wander away with just a temporary earache.

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