
What is the blue light?

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i was outside in em garden today about 9.30pm and it is so hot in the uk anyways as i was playing footie in my garden i happen to see a flashing blue light just like lightning but it hasn't rained or anything so far could it actually be lightning or is it something else




  1. The flashing blue light was lightning - a distant storm - lightning frequently occures without rain, but most often rain does fall, in particular during a lighting [electric] storm.

    Lightning strike up close

    If caught out in the open during an electric storm, do not shelter under a tree.

    Also, do not, under any circumstances fly a kite attached to a copper wire in an electric storm.

    "Dear Diary, Lightning is apparently quite harmless, or at least, this has been my experience having flown a kite attached to a copper cable during the most aweful electric storm ever recorded by man".

    Yours &etc., Ben Franklin.

  2. It's either lightning or K-Mart has just moved to the UK and there is a special in aisle 9.

  3. Yeah it's lightening you don't have to have rain for there to be thunder and lightening, we're expecting it too!!

  4. Maybe your football went through a neighbours window while you were blinded by the sun and they phoned the police?  Just a thought.  :)


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