
What is the boiling water for in a home pregnacy?!?

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When ever you see someone trapped on TVand they start to give birth, they ALWAYS say, get some towels and boil some water. The towels can have multiple uses, but what is the boiling water for. Sterilizing stuff?




  1. It could be for sterilizing things, but ask any midwife and they'll tell you that boiling water is just to give the husband something to do.

  2. We boiled water to put in the pool for my home birth, but when someone is "trapped" and didn't plan a home birth, i guess it would be to sterilize the string for the umbilical cord and stuff like that.... i dont know really, but remember t.v. doesnt really show an accurate portrayal of birth.

  3. it can be used to wipe away any mucus from the baby's eyes and nose, as it's sterile once boiled. also, if you hold a wet flannel or towel on the perinium as the baby's head crowns it can help prevent a bad tear, as it softens the skin (a bit like when you sit in the bath for too long). after birth, the women needs to be clened up so any tears can be assessed, so water is needed for this too. great fun!

  4. ive had 3 home births and have never had to boil a kettle!

    all the stuff the midwife needs comes in sterile packed packets!

    towels however needed loads some for cleaning mess! some for cleaning baby some for me!

    think the water thing is very old fashioned

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