
What is the book Twilight about?

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And is it a good book?

I really like the cover of it and a girl I know said it was about vampires. I love vampires =)

Is this true??




  1. Its about a human girl who falls in love with a vampire.

    It is true.

    I think you would enjoy it, especially if you love vampires and i think it is a good book and i don't know if you've noticed but there are loads of fans on here.

  2. It sounds totally stuipid, but it is really good.

    EXCEPT Breaking Dawn.

  3. I love that book!!

  4. Yes it is. I love the Twilight Saga!

    It's a romance. A human girl falls in love with a vampire.

    In the second book, New Moon, werewolves come into the story.

    Read it!

  5. It is about a girl on yahoo answers who uses the search bar to show the answers to the question that she asked--which had already been asked 4930 times.

  6. It is a really good book, I got so hooked on it after I started reading it.  The vampires are different compared to Hollywood's vampires, but it makes them better and it just makes it more seductive/s**y.

    I hope this helps you and if you do read them, enjoy the books

  7. umm well you can read all the answers above mine i'm sure they are going to say its a vampire love story so heres the whole book

  8. yeah I want to know too!  

  9. its not worth your time. vampires dont exist. Read walden. Or paradise Lost.  

  10. yes! its soo good, its about this girl who moves to this town and likes this guy and this guy is a vampire nad he likes her but he cant tell her,

    it sounds boring when i say it, but its soo good!! please read. its soo amazing.

  11. ugh can you just read the other questions about twilight

    girl falls in love with a vampire, there you go.

    (to many people ask what twilight is, if it is good, who edward is, who bella is, ect. JUST LOOK IT UP)

  12. forget about the book this should answer your question BEST ANSWER ME

  13. I think you should read it.  Me personally I'm not interested in it.  But, a lot of my friends love it because they said it was about vampires and romance.

  14. Did you read Anne Rice's books? They are amazing, the first three almost... Well in the Twilight issue, It's about a girl Bella Swan who moves to Forks with her father, she has no goals, no desires, no hobbies, she only cooks, reads a little and sleep, and them one day she meets Edward Cullen a "good Vampire" who doesn't drink human blood, sparkle in the sunlight like tinkerbell, have no fangs and likes to stalk Bella even when they didn't talk to each other, then they are in love because she smells good (her blood) and he's 'HAWT'... Then the rest 100 pages Bella says that Edward is a God-like, hot, with topaz, eyes, hot, hot and hot 165 times (I count them) and all is sappy love, but in the three least chapters a bad ugly vampire appears and want to kill Bella, in the End they go to the prom... (s**t pukes a little) How you see is a fantastic story of true love! :D  

  15. Look darling.

    Here's what it's about.

    An abusive boyfriend

    A girl who's life revolves around this boyfriend - and nothing else

    The end

    It's  c**p.

  16. It is about Bella Swan who falls in love with a vampire Edward Cullen. It is a really good book, but it depends what kind of vampires you like. The author tried to make it as realistic as possible. They are making a movie of it and on the contract, it says that there will be no emphasis on the size of the canine teeth. lol : )

    I think you should read it.

  17. yea, i dont want to spoil it for you.

    so read it :P

  18. OMG!!! IT IS ABOUT vampire love and like i dont want to tell you too much! its so effin addicting! and its the best series in the effin universe! and you seriously need to read it! read it before november 21st because thats when the movie comes out! ugh! i love it soooo much and you will not regret it! plzz read it!lol if you want to read it for free let me know because i know a website! but in order to get it you have to vote me as best answer! email me!!

  19. umm its love series about a vampire loving a normal human being my sister loves the whole series  

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