
What is the bottomline on the Iraq war: wmd, liberation, oil ... what is the truth on that . . ?

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What is the bottomline on the Iraq war: wmd, liberation, oil ... what is the truth on that . . ?





  2. People really miss the mark on this..the military industrial complex needs war.  It is war for no reason at all than war itself.  Did we really go to war to liberate the Iraqis from the guy we installed in the first place?  Are we really getting any benefits from the oil?  The WMD deal is already debunked so that's not it either.

    What can be more perfect for the military industrial complex than fighting a war against an enemy with no borders.  The Iraqis that have died may be the lucky ones...slavery is the lot of the rest of us in the long term.

    War without end means higher and higher taxes...without end.

    People who call it a war for oil are part of the problem.  Do they not think that there are a significant number of other dumbasses in this country that think that oil is a reasonable justification?  Guess again.

    But nobody is gonna support a war for the sole purpose of the rich getting richer off of tax dollars.  They know that.  They are quite content with the war for oil accusation I assure you.

  3. The reason has changed so much no one knows anymore

  4. being married to a military man, i can tell you what i think. i think saddam moved those wmds out before our inspectors got there. i even heard bill clinton agree with that on the news, he thinks they were moved into syria,. he backed president bush on that one, and i think they were both right. we did not invade iraq, we liberated them jsut as we did france during that war. the war has never been about oil, if it were the iraqis would have sold us oil or given us oil in repayment for our rebuilding , they have not. we guard there oil fields from being blown up by insurgents that are trained and support in Iran, my husband was in Iraq for over a year, and proud to serve his country. it was never intended for us to occupy iraq. our job was to get rid of saddam and to help the iraqi people to stand on their own, i think that was the right thing to do at the time and i totally support that decision. soon it will be time for our guys to come home. i still have 2 family members there. and they are in my prayers daily.  

  5. The fact is that we are going top put in a golf course with a housing development. It is a tough market.

  6. Bush and Cheney have admitted they were "mistaken" and there were no WMD.  They haven't yet admitted that they were the one that planted the "evidence" that they were there to begin with.

    Bush, Cheney and their oil cronies now have no bid contracts to "buy" Iraqi oil, so there isn't really any need for us to be there much longer.  Of course as long as we are there Bush and Cheney can still participate in the war profiteering, both he illegal kind and the legal kind that is hidden in their "blind trusts".

  7. We'll never know.  And you forgot this reason:  "Can anyone honestly say that the world would be better off if Saddam Hussein was still dictator of Iraq?"  That was the one-liner of the 2004 election, when we once again got the president we deserve.  You know, the world would be better of without that d**n Small World ride too, but that don't mean we need to invade Disneyland.  

    Best to just make sure we don't elect anyone president again who would make such ridiculous decisions with American lives and hundreds of billions of dollars.

    I think it's time for me to go to bed.  I'm getting crabby.  That's not my normal disposition.

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