
What is the bravest thing you've ever done?

by Guest66783  |  earlier

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I think the bravest thing I've ever done is wake up in the morning to face another day. How about you?




  1. except being RH- to become  pregnant from a + and after an abortion/doctors said about risks/ -saving my dog with naked hands  from a battle with a dog-killer/especially trained for dogs dirty shows/- then I was in hospital for vaccine ,

  2. the braviest thing i ever done was farting in an elevator full of g**s because i got told the smell of farts gives em woodys

  3. giving birth au naturelle and  saving my cousin from crazy horse carriage and  getting married

  4. Hello,,jumped in a lake with shoes and all clothes,,to save a kid that got jumped on at a rope swing,,he was knocked out and starting to sink.

  5. ok, this should count for the stupidest, i missed teh bus and i chased after it, i got lost and passed by three other schools,i finally found my bus stop, then i caught the wrong bus, some how i was only 20  minutes late for school..LOL

  6. getting married and having a family of my own

  7. be yourself.

  8. I suppose it would be joining the Army during wartime. It was just the thing to do, and I would've felt badly about myself for the rest of my life if I hadn't.

  9. I'm not very herioc.  I think the bravest I've been is to stick up for someone being picked on.  My opposition to the invasion of Iraq back in the early days might qualify as bravery.  It wasn't a very popular position in my parts.

  10. thinking, using my mind and making my own opinions, even if they are against anyone, and fight and try to support them.

  11. 35 years back i slipped and fell down on the railway track off  Malad Bombay platform, my left leg hurt badly and i lying totally flat  on the track unable to get off from the track, at the same time a fast non-stop local train blowing horn was passing and people shouting to save my life. Suddenly the Almighty gave me strength and that moment i rolled my body out of the track between the rail lines of platform no. 3 & 4 , and immediately the non-stop train passed. Hearing the noice of the speeding train and horn i fainted and regained my senses at the hospital.  That particular moment it was the bravest thing i could do with God's blessings which saved my life and remembering that scene now made me so upset that writing only this much matter has taken more than 35 minutes .

  12. Stop two lanes of traffic and help an old lady who fell crossing the street.

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