
What is the breed that is 1/2 Thoroughbred and 1/2 Arabian?

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It is driving me insane I can't not think of the breed that is 1/2 TB and 1/2 is Akhal Teke? I can't remeber...grrr normally I am great with rememebering breeds xPPPP Please help so my headache doens't get any worse...THANKS :)




  1. It's not really a breed, but they call them "Anglo Arabs" BUT some Anglo Arab registries in Europe only have to have 1/16th Arabian blood in them, to be "Anglo Arab".  I knew an Anglo Arab stallion that was imported from France that outside of a prettier head, he looked TB!

  2. Its The Anglo Arab.

  3. Anglo-Arabian.

  4. Anglo Arabian.   It has to be at least 12.5% Arabian to be an Anglo Arab.  It is a cross between either a Purebred Arabian and a thoroughbred, or an Anglo Arabian and a thoroughbred.

  5. It is an Anglo Arab. Its weird, I think it should be Arabred!! Or something like that.

  6. How do you spell relief???

    A-N-G-L-O  A-R-A-B

    so much for Rolaids in the horse headache world!!

  7. its the anglo arab

  8. I think you are thinking of an Anglo-Arab.

    Akhal Teke is a Russian breed.

  9. An Anglo Arab   Hope your headache subsides.

  10. Anglo Arab.

  11. That breed is called an anglo-arabain.  Come to think of it,  that's what breed my horse is.  : )

  12. thourab

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