
What is the business that has this phone number 01236707100 in Coatbridge area?

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What is the business that has this phone number 01236707100 in Coatbridge area?




  1. Phone it or google it.

  2. Its Cornhill Direct an Insurance Company - you could have just rang them like I did

  3. There is such a thing as a "Reverse Phone Book".

    If you call your telephone provider and ask the question I believe they will answer the question or transfer you to the "reverse directory" site.


  4. suzy lovelace

  5. what you really want is for us to phone it and it cost us £50 a pop, you are having a laugh!

  6. Do you not know how to use a phone?

  7. Sorry, haven't a clue. Can't find it on the internet.

  8. Try phoning it

  9. Its a old persons home asking you you have a perant who needs care, they have room in their death home.

  10. ring and find out!

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