
What is the capital of bahama islands?

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What is the capital of bahama islands?




  1. Nassau

  2. NASSAU!!

  3. The capital of the Bahamas is NASSAU.

    "Nassau is the capital, largest city, and commercial center of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. ...",_Bah...

    Location map:

    A lot of info on the web:

  4. Nassau is the capital, largest city, and commercial center of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. The city has a population of 210,832 (2000 census), nearly 70 percent of the entire population of the Bahamas (303,611). Lynden Pindling International Airport, the major airport for the Bahamas, is located about 16 kilometres or 10 miles west of downtown Nassau, and has daily flights to major cities in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the Caribbean. The city is located on the island of New Providence, which functions much like a federal district. While there is no local government, it is governed directly as an administrative division of the national government.

    Nassau was formerly Charles Town; it was burnt to the ground by the Spanish in 1684, but later rebuilt and renamed Nassau in 1695 to honor King William III of England (from the Dutch House of Orange-Nassau).

  5. Formerly called Charles Towne, it was renamed Nassau (nă'sô) in 1695.

    Pop. 171,540.

    There are over 700 islands of which only 29 are inhabited in the Bahamas. Settled by the British in the late 1600's.

    Became a tourist destination in the early 20th century.

    In the 18th cent. it was a rendezvous for pirates, among them Blackbeard. Three forts, Nassau (1697), Charlotte (1787–94), and Fincastle (1793), were built to ward off the numerous Spanish invasions. American revolutionists in 1776 captured and held it a short time.


  7. Nassau, The Bahamas. Specifically, I think it's on New Providence Island.

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