
What is the capital of burma?

by Guest55983  |  earlier

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What is the capital of burma?




  1. Rangoon

  2. Rangoon (Yangon) :)

  3. Rangoon (yangon) of the two....give the best answer to the first guy who answered....he got it right

  4. Yangoon (formerly Rangoon)

  5. it was called rangoon earlier,now its called YANGOON

  6. I was taught in 7th Grade geography class that the country was Burma and the capital was Rangoon.  I was also taught that the former name was Myanmar and the former capital was Yangoon.  But according to another contributer, the capital has changed.  I would stick with Rangoon, Burma.

  7. Burma's military government is moving the capital of the country from the port city of Rangoon to Pyinmana, in a mountainous region some three-hundred-ninety kilometers to the north. "The government is crazy," one Rangoon resident told the Washington Post newspaper. "Everybody hates this idea," he said.

    Some observers say that the decision to move the capital was made solely by General Than Shwe, head of Burma's ruling military junta. The new location in a remote area is another sign of Burma's isolation from the rest of the world.

    The Burmese government's policies of human rights violations, and the detention of human rights activists like Nobel peace prize winner Aung Sun Suu Kyi, have had a negative impact on the population. The independent monitoring group Human Rights Watch estimates that since the 1960s, Burma's military junta has created more than one million internally displaced people. There are one-hundred-forty-thousand Burmese refugees in Thailand, twenty-thousand in Bangladesh, and twelve-thousand-five-hundred in Malaysia.

    According to the U.S. State Department's latest Supporting Human Rights and Democracy report, Burmese citizens "do not have the right to change their government. Security forces continue to commit extrajudicial killings, rape, and forcible relocation of persons, use forced labor, and conscript child soldiers."

    The United Nations Security Council has been briefed on the situation in Burma. Several members, including the U.S., say that Burma's deterioration, and the detention of political opponents, threatens regional stability. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has said that when "tyrannical" governments like Burma abuse their citizens, it is the responsibility of free countries to speak out:

    "I understand that a lot of countries that are neighbors of Burma feel the need to engage them. But, I would hope that engagement also takes the form of being serious about the really quite appalling human rights situation in Burma."

    President George W. Bush says, "The people of Burma live in the darkness of tyranny. But the light of freedom shines in their hearts. Mr. Bush says, Burmese "want their liberty – and one day, they will have it."

    [i did not write this]

  8. No, its not Rangoon, its NAYPYIDAW, but their largest city is Rangoon.

  9. it has been changed to NAYPYIDAW

  10. the capital of burma is Rangoon or also known as Yangon

  11. The capital of Myanmar (Burma) is Rangoon (Yangoon) !!!

  12. Rangoon or Yangoon, you may consider Naypyidaw as the Capital too ,but technically the move is not complete.

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