
What is the cartoon character that look alike you ?

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What is the cartoon character that look alike you ?




  1. L from Death Note. >_>

  2. NO NO NO. I no look alike no anime character. No No No. I look alike real person not cartoon. You look alike cartoon person? How sad for you.

  3. I have no idea actually. There is none that I know of.

  4. Hmm. This is hard XD I think I look a lot like Sailor Mars from that Sailor Moon show that was popular... I'm not sure how many years ago XD

  5. I sort of look like Akira Toudou(Special A) when she was younger(w/ long hair.)

  6. People say I look like Meg from Family Guy O__o

    I personally think I look like Haruhi from Haruhi Suzumiya or Yukki from Vampire Knight. I don't really look like a lot of people from Anime ^__^;;

  7. I look like my avitar, except human

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