
What is the cause of the current state of our economy?

by  |  earlier

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I mean i can't even find a job.




  1. greed....its neither...i cant stand up all day and alot of jobs are crumming working thanks..

  2. Gas. It costs more to do business.

  3. you cant find a job so you think it has to do with the economy?  what are you trained to do?  If it's nothing, and you're scraping from some low pay job, then theres lots of ppl like you who refuse training and want low pay jobs.  If you live in the desert, not many jobs anyway.

    Read the paper...lots of jobs postings.

  4. corruption as well

  5. george w bush (just my opinion)

  6. Due to Globalisation.

    No one's fault except for the greediness of the Big MNCs who want to swallow up rival companies to consolidate their positions.


  7. Greed, one word cause.

  8. Cheap money. When the ability to qualify for a loan was based on nothing more than your promise to pay (stated income loans) and the bank's collateral is the valuation of the property underlying the loan (driven up by easy money) you are artificially inflating wealth. Many people took the money out of their artificially inflated properties and used the money as disposable incoming, fueling purchase of vehicles and keeping the economy rolling along--all artificially because the only way for this to work was for house valuations to continue to rise and people continuing to take out loans they could not afford by lying about how much they could pay back, etc.

    The problem all stems from the fact we built an economy up using funny money and markets always correct. Always.

  9. The list:

    Poor govt

    Too much personal debt

    Too much govt debt

    Imbalance of trade

    Excessive money supply growth




    Peak Oil

  10. 1. The credit crisis in the sub prime lending market.

    2. Inflation

    3. Unemployment

    4. Rising oil prices

    5. The budget deficit

    6. Falling property prices

    7. Declining profits

    8. Decline in comsumer confidence

    9. Falling sharemarket.

    10. Billions spent in Iraq

    11. The trade deficit blowout.

    12. The declining US dollar.

    I think I covered most of them without commenting further.

  11. U.S. has slowly shifted all of our work to other countries cause it is cheaper. So we export very little making our dollar weaker. Also foreign dependence for oil due to naturalists talking about global warming which aint even total truth. so we dont mine the resources we do have... And many more issues...

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