
What is the cause of the recent conflict between Georgia and Russia?

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What is the cause of the recent conflict between Georgia and Russia?




  1. South Ossetia is the cause. South Ossetia broke away from Georgia in the early 1990s. However no one recognized this internationally so it was declared a territory of Georgia.  South Ossetia wishes to become its own country or I assess to join Abkhazia as a county Abkhazia is another de facto idependent republic with no international recongiition. Both of these terrotories used to belong to the USSR before all the land was broken up into new countries.  and both these terrorities feel close to Russia, as Russia also backs both of them.  South Osetians also use russian currency rather than georgian currency.  How ever Georgia still sees SO as their terrorty so they recently began a campaign to rid SO of seperatists to reunite SO with Georgia. Russia responded by sending in military troops in a counter- offensive. and it has grown since then.

  2. According to Georgia, Russia has had troops on the border of Georgia for years waiting for a reason to invade into South Ossetia...Russia has stated Georgia attacked civilians and aid workers in the area giving Russia an "opportunity" or "protection" (depending what you think) to go into the providence of South Ossetia...Whats interesting is that South Ossetians residents are all mainly Russian citizens even though they live in Georgia...So either Georgia is going to loose South Ossetia and Russia will stop there...Or Russia will invade past South Ossetia and turn it into a full scale invasion...and WW3 will most likely begin.

  3. its always a fight over land and its resources.  

  4. russia is invading it to take it over. they conveniently did it starting on the first day of the olympics and during the election time hoping we would be distracted. the ukraine is siding with georgia and this is looking like ww3. im 18 and im joining the marines so ill be in teh bulk of it. its gonna be russia, china, n korea, iran, and some others against the USA, britian, japan, and some other UN forces. get ready! lets **** em up!

  5. At the time of the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, the S. Ossetian province wanted to remain with Russia, or more particularly with North Ossetia.  They wanted to separate from Georgia, most of the little population did  not recognize the Georgian central government and fighting broke out.  In the mid-90's, a cease fire and truce was signed by all parties, and all sides agreed to have peacekeepers in the province, one being the Russians.

    Georgia broke the truce that they signed when they attempted to take control of the region last Friday.  Many of the people in South Ossetia are Russian nationals or have Russian passports, the currency is the Russian ruble, not Georgia's currency and most importantly, the people are ethnically related to North Ossetia, across the border in Russia.

    While it may look like a violation of Georgia's territory, the squabble is not as black and white as you may think. The timing of the recent conflict was calculated...based on two events:  all eyes on the west were on the Olympics and Pres. Bush is soon to leave office.  Georgia gambled that Bush would (will) not let them down.  

    Unfortunately for them, they'll be left high and dry, the same way the Czechs and Hungarians were in the 50s and 60s when the Ruskies clampled down on them too, even tho they called for western assistance.  The only support they'll get is rhetorical and a few UN sanctions.

  6. It's a problem with the fact that most of the people wish

    to be affiliated with Russia, but Georgia claims the land.

    The conflict has been ongoing since the 1991 collapse

    of the former Soviet Union. In this incident, Georgia made

    the mistake of attacking (as a response to problems with

    civilian seperatist groups) and then Russia replied with

    superior forces.

  7. it began long ago

    Georgia has always been of interest of diffetent nations for its geo-political location

    Russia want a pipe line, Georgia is one of the links to europe, russia wanst to get it in his hands, besides Georgia has a black sea coast, summer and winter resourses, 2 cinflict zones ( both supported and provoked by Russia ) and for lots of other reasons Geogria was the best country to start the rebuilding of Soviet Union,,

    Russia Just wants to have its power ower the world and bu annexing Georgia hi is making one and not bad step forward for himself.

    hope the world wont allow him to do that

  8. russia wants to become the soviet union again and will , if they are not stopped soon

  9. In an act of terrorism Georgia fired MRLs on the city of Tskhinvali, almost destroyed it and killed about 2000 civilians. Russia acted within its peacekeeping mandate to counteract. Sums it up.

  10. You know i lived in south osettia. My country is devided into 2 parts, south and north ossetia. North osettia is in Russia. South osettia is free and independent. Georigia trought all the history wanted to take south osettia to Georgian land, they said that we are Georgians too but it lie, we are osettian people, we are indepentendent.

    Georgian president declare us war, he destroed my city Tsinval now it is in ruin. In my land there are living a lot of russians who were killed too. Georgian president said that h**l destroy all of us.

    So russian brothers hepl us to f@ck of georgian occupants.

    Now Georgian president SUUKAVSHILY want to get in NATO to have its power to kill of us. If he would be in nato russia couldnt help us.

  11. Russia and Georgia are in tension from a long time. The pipe line and all other stuff made them worse. but the recent conflict start because of some recent events in which USA is involved. USA want to install a  Early warning Radar System (or something like that,Cant remember it right now)in georgia. If USA install this system it will almost disable the Russia's Missle system threat. Which russia dont want to happen. and Russia warned Georgia few months back that Georgia should stop his activities on Early Warning Radar system or Russia will attack Georgia.  But Georgia and USA keep on going. There was already too much hate between these two countries from a long time and all they needed was a spark to burn that fire which happed as a that Early radar system of america and everybody know America and Russia  are not so friendly with each other.

  12. Georgia has a region in it called South Ossetia, it has been trying to break away fro years. Russia has recognized it's independence. I has even given most of the population citizenship.

    Georgia invaded SO to take it back under control. Russia saw this as an Illegal act and retaliated with it's own troops.

    That's it in a nut shell.

  13. Georgian army with the help of the US invaded one of the separatist territories and started killing all the civilians, then the Russians stepped in to stop the slaughter. not sure why but I don't think it is the pipeline that goes through that country. still trying to figure it out.

  14. something about Russia and georgia's tension finally got out of hand and Russia wants to take Georgia's independance away

  15. like any conflict, it's much more complicated than just a simple blame game. Georgia and Russia has had terrible relation ever since Georgia because independent after the death of Soviet Union. Especially since Georgia became very pro US. The direct cause is the disputed territory between Georgia and Russia. This territory has tried to declare independence from Georgia. The separatist government believe it is no longer part of Georgia and wants Russia to protect its independence but this government is not recognized by Georgia which still claims it to be part of Georgia. If seperated this territory would most likely have better relations with Russia due to the fact that the culture of the separatists are closer related to the culture of Russia. There is actually a large "minority" of Russians who live in that area. So this conflict started because Russians moved troops into this area to "protect" it from Georgia and Georgia claims that this area is part of it so therefore Russia just invaded. However, even by UN standards, that area is as disputed as Kosovo is right now. However, to the world this area of Georgia is important due to its location, since it is where the natural gas pipelines that support all of Europe passes through. If russia were to gain control of it (simply by the complete political independence of the area) then the energy fate of Europe would be very unstable (or so the west thinks) so all of the West supports Georgia. However, there will be no WWIII because most countries are not looking to get involved.

    Also, Georgia has killed many people who were of Russian descent in that area however, many Gerogians who lived there were driven out or killed by the separatists too. So... it's pretty much a terrible situation for both sides. But this time, Georgia did start killing separatist people (who identify with Russians) which prompted Russia to move in military protection. But of course, this doesn't really make it into the US news

  16. soviet union again. kewll...

  17. Georgia and Russia hate each other and Georgia is trying to split from russia and become it's own independent repub.  Of course russia can't have that because major oil lines go through georgia.  So Russia attacks georgia's airport.

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