
What is the cause of the recent cooling if CO2 levels are so high?

by Guest31870  |  earlier

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Um.... Cindy? Do we have to chip them out? Can't we just leave them?




  1. The cooling is due to a strong La Nina.  I find it amusing that La Ninas that cause cooling is a weather trend, but El Ninos that causes warming is climate change.

    As you can see in this chart there has been no correlation between co2 levels and temperatures during this past decade.

  2. Scientist now know that the Sun, not man is the cause for all temperature changes on Earth.  There is no correlation between temperatures and so-called "green house gases".

    Now the Sun is starting to enter a coo cycle.  This is why our temperatures are cooler.

    "Astrophysics knows two solar activity cycles, of 11 and 200 years. Both are caused by changes in the radius and area of the irradiating solar surface. The latest data, obtained by Habibullah Abdusamatov, head of the Pulkovo Observatory space research laboratory, say that Earth has passed the peak of its warmer period, and a fairly cold spell will set in quite soon, by 2012. Real cold will come when solar activity reaches its minimum, by 2041, and will last for 50-60 years or even longer."

  3. Now that Al Gore is "in demand" again, he's spending more time on the road.  As a result, he turned the lights in his Tennessee mansion off...viola, global cooling.

  4. Reduced Solar Radiation and an El Nina

  5. its just variation some of this is caused by the various cycles such as el Nina/la nino. just because there is more CO2 dose not mean that it will automatically be warmer. it will just be warmer over the next decades.

    the bulk of climatologists are actually predicting a small "stalling/ slowdown" of warming over the next few years because of these cycles.

    Polished predictions : article : Nature Reports Climate Change

    PS CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas.

  6. La Niña

    The equatorial winds in the Pacific drive warm surface waters West. This causes upwelling of cold deep water near South America, which then spreads westward along the equator.

    You can see the pattern of cold water here:

  7. Heard a story on the news about glacier melt and how it was now being considered a meaningful indicator of climate change.

    I think that's because it's getting colder now, the global temperature is no longer considered a meaningful climate change indicator.

  8. Reverse psychology they tell the globe over and over that it's getting warmer to trick it into getting colder.

  9. Global warming is a hoax.

  10. You mean the one month of cooling?;...

    That was due to a strong La Nina cycle.

    As you can see in the first link above, temperatures are already returning to normal.  Global warming doesn't eliminate weather, but makes the overall temperature trend go upward.

  11. There is also the Milankovitch cycle to consider. This is where the variations in the orbit of the earth and the wobble of the axis of rotation mean that different amounts of the sun's energy reach the earth.

    Variations in global temperature match this cycle very closely over millions of years.

    The present cooling has confirmed my suspicion that the role of carbon dioxide in our climate has been substantially over-exaggerated. It has an effect, but it is only one factor in many.

    Listening to the politicians and media, one gets the impression that CO2 is the only significant factor controlling our climate, and this is simply nonsense

  12. As we chip global warming nuts out of ice packs, they will still claim that the Earth is warming, so they are going to ignore these facts and continue oblivious to the facts that are in their faces.  

    Earth actually cures itself.  When heat rises, carbon dioxide tends to follow in its rise to help cure the heat.  Gore's own gragh indicated that!  However, if you don't confuse the two lines, you will notice a trailing effect of carbon dioxide to heat of about 800 years.  So, carbon dioxide actually helps to cool the Earth.

    Give a scientist a living and he will give you knowledge, give a scientist wealth and he will give you whatever you want.

  13. Increased CO2 levels contribute to Climate Change, not simply Global Warming.  This means more extremes, more swings, and more unseasonable weather.  Global Warming / Climate Change doesn't really say anything about the weather at any particular time.  

    Additionally, different feedback cycles can have outcomes other then what is expected by the layman.  You would think that Global Warming would cause easier winters, however warmer weather tends to produce more snow since warmer air holds more moisture.

    Also, the planetary cycles that some people are talking about is real, but expected to act on a 10,000 year cycle at most - more likely a 100,000 year cycle.  Shorter term changes are believed to be caused by feedback or CO2 forcing.  Other planets aren't showing the same increases in temperature to reflect a massive change in the output of the sun either.

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