
What is the cause of these computer viruses?

by  |  earlier

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I have some viruses on my computer, (I have AVG so they are in the vault)

But I was wondering where the possibly could have come from.

My main computer activities include creating digital artwork, browsing,

playing flash games on and,

browsing yahoo and yahoo answers, and watching videos on

Note-I do not go on any 'bad' websites EVER.

My only thought is that maybe 'stumbleupon' gave me a virus,

(for those of you that do not know of it, it is a toolbar you download that when you click the 'stumble' button, it takes you too a random web page, submitted by other stumpleupon members)

What are some other ways to get computer viruses?




  1. They are caused by malicious individuals.

    They come from: email, email attachments, web site visitations, files friends might give you, commercial software packages, and etc.

    Stumble Upon is fun, but you're letting someone else direct you to a site and you don't know if they're good or bad.

    No matter how you cut it, your activity on the computer has allowed them in.  You just have to determine which of your actions do allow them in and then don't do them any more.

  2. I highly recommend getting the yahoo toolbar as it protects against pretty much every virus and is absolutely free. Also it is updated daily so all new viruses will be caught. It can be downloaded here.

    I hope this helps you with your virus problem!

  3. Stumbleupon may have sent you to a bad web site.  You should also be careful when you open your E-mail.  Do not open any mail unless you know who it is from.


  4. They are not random like real viruses they are

    purposely written by sick people not sick physically but sick in the head that think it is funny to destroy other peoples computers

    or it gives them some sort of power or something

    by looking at these random sites and downloading you can let these sickos into your computer.

  5. From yahoo answers

  6. What are Computer Viruses?

    Computer viruses are small programs that hide inside of your computer and then replicate themselves in some fashion in order to spread to other computers. With the internet connecting so many computers to one another, and our propensity to share many of our files with other people, we unknowingly transmit to other computers viruses that have infected our own files. Depending on the design of the virus, once it reaches a computer, it can do almost anything from deleting and corrupting your files, to disabling your computers security measures to make it more vulnerable to a hacker. More information press here

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