
What is the cause/reason of the "ssss" or hiss sound fighters, or MMA fighters make?

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Even in boxing, MMA, and countless other fighting venues, I hear the "sssss" sound before punches/kicks. I always wondered if that was air escaping the gloves, or what the point of the sound is (or is it reflex). Any history, cause, or reason why this goes on, would help. Thanks everyone!




  1. Fighters make that sound before they throw a punch, kick, ect. so they don't tire as easily. It helps them breath easier rather than holding their breath.

    Try throwing a few punches while holding your breath, then try throwing a few punches while making the "ssss" sound. You should be able to feel the difference.

  2. Agreed big dog. Any athlete should breathe out when exerting themselves. Evere notice when tennis players hit the ball or someone lifts a weight? Same concept.

    Another reason for exhaling is that if you breathe correctly, your stomach muscles should be tight and forcing the air out. This is because anytime you throw a technique you are open, and it is protection against getting hit and having the wind knocked out of you.

  3. It's a silent version of this.

  4. That sound is not coming from the fighters or boxers. It is the hydraulic punch counter that was designed to help judges score a bout that makes that hissing sound.

    Notice that you don't hear it at every event because not all venues have the equipment.

    Notice that sometimes the counter misfires and you hear the sound when no strike was thrown.

  5. I agree with katana. mma fighters or any atheletes really, but in your case, a fighter makes that sound whenever they throw a strike or if they are receiving a strike. The reason being is because they are controlling their breathing so they dont' gas out so quick. Also, by taking quick short breaths when striking, you won't get the wind knocked out of you if your opponent were to counter punch. Just think of it like this, if you throw a punch at someone and you hold your breath, and they land a counter punch to your mid section, it'll be your lights out. So, its important to breathe when throwing strikes or when receiving..

  6. That is 'Kiai'.

    There are several variations of 'kiai'.  The karate fighters have their own style of kiai as compared to Judo players and especially Kendo practitioners.

    In karate or Judo you can either scream, shout, or hisssssssssss.  But in Kendo there are two forms of kiai taught for a block or strike with the shinai (bamboo sword).

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