
What is the causes of kidnapping?

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What is the causes of kidnapping?




  1. jealously,greed and, wanting fast money, ignoring the fact that people work hard in life for what they have and its unfair to a person to be treated that way, living in fear that they or their family are next

  2. Someone please explain how Y!A's question categorizer put this question here.

    Kids take naps because they are tired and get cranky.

  3. People who are either convicts or terrorist sympathizers kidnap because they mistakenly believe it is an easy way of sourcing money.

  4. the one that pisses you off the most

  5. "The causes of kidnapping?" Um, well, people taking kids? I mean, what other cause is there? Aliens taking kids? I guess kidnapping can refer to abductions of adults, as well, so the cause of kidnapping could be people taking people. Or aliens taking people. Which begs the question of whether people taking aliens is kidnapping. And the far more important question of whether aliens taking aliens is kidnapping. But I think it is clear that aliens are definitely the cause of kidnapping.

  6. Poor sense of personal accountability, under education and a greedy sense that people "owe" the kidnapper somthing, entitlement.

  7. usually people who kidnap want money. or just to get back at somebody.

  8. money, revenge

  9. greed?

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