
What is the chain of production, distribution, and consumption for an item you use frequently. Please include?

by Guest64112  |  earlier

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What is the chain of production, distribution, and consumption for an item you use frequently. Please include the three securities of production, starting with your own self. Think of as many steps as you can for how that item is produced, and passes its way through to you.




  1. My Product: Architectural Coating / Paint:

    Product is created based upon market demand and specifications.

    All physical / intellectual Resources are determined to meet specifications and pricing is  attached.

    End product is tested for quality and piloted for total cost of goods.

    Marketing ? Sales determine cost / profit / life cycle and projected profits

    Supply Chain determines procurement through distribution to ultimate Point of sale and data warehousing of entire Chain & Customer base for data interpretation as it relates to areas of responsibility.

    Factory produces and related performance of entire campaign is weighed as to its effectiveness, adjustments are made to fulfill requirements of all affected parties.

    Warehouse / Distribution outlets measurables are delivery, service level, inventory, mis-pick / ship and preservation of goods from intake to consumer.

    I, as the consumer, am either led to the product by specific advertising and or simply compulsive or random buys, and, expend the product, and if I'm satisfied I buy again.  If not, I'm a statistic of either letting outlet know why not or, simply move on and buy another brand or, from another source if its the only product in its class at the store i bought it at.

    As the consumer, I want a Voice, go here and read why

    Seems we left out any regard to the formula being a major player in sustainable practices.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Do your own homework Jane.

  3. Are you doing some kind of research project?

    I can't imagine that there is anyone - however aware - who isn't in the business would know this kind of thing. It is an interesting question, but I would have to research it in some depth to give an answer.

    Contact Ethical Consumer Magazine (UK), they probably have this kind of information

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