
What is the chance i will die from this?

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I know this is a kind of stupid question but im just worried! in just under a year im having an operation combined with rhinoplasty on my nose because it is slightly broken after a fall which i had when i was a child, ive never had surgery before and the thought of being put under anasthetic scares worried im might not wake up or something and apparently you have to sign something to say its not the hospitals resonsbility if you die?! what is the chance you can die from a nosejob? im only 16 and i havent had any other medical complications!




  1. I think you have more chance of winning the lottery than dying from a nosejob.

  2. Anytime you go under general anethesia there is a chance of dying.  I wound't worry to much.  I have been "under" 16 times and I am still alive!

  3. If you just want the statistics, then 1 in every two hundred fifty thousand people would undergo general anesthesia die from complications of the anesthesia.

    Old Doc (that is safer than driving in the US for a year)

  4. in all kinds of operations, big or small,  there are always risks. even with a simple operation such as a nose job, anything can go wrong, find yourself a good doctor to do the job.

  5. The risks for any anesthesia are:

        * Reactions to medications

        * Problems breathing

    The risks for any surgery are:

        * Bleeding

        * Infection

        * Bruising

    After surgery, small burst blood vessels may occasionally appear as tiny red spots on the skin's surface and are usually minor, but permanent. There is no visible scarring if the rhinoplasty is performed from inside the nose. There may be small scars at the base of the nose that are not usually visible when the procedure calls for the narrowing of flared nostrils.

    Rarely, a second procedure may be necessary to correct a minor deformity.

  6. There is some risk with every procedure, but you are in far more danger of dying in your car than on the operating table. Normal to be concerned, but relax. You will be in competent hands, that do that all the time.  Now you can appreciate that they spent all those years learning how to do things right.

  7. I'm sure you will be fine.

  8. Every operation has risks. As long as you've researched the procedure and know the risks and the benefits outweigh those risks then what else can you really do? You need to talk to your doctors and ask them these questions. They should be more than happy to discuss everything in detail, and you have a right to know considering they'll be performing the operation on you. You're not going to find any straight "chances of dying from a nose job" because there's hundreds of variables and no two people are going to react the same.

    Just talk to your doctors.

  9. Dont' worry, that is just for insurance purposes. There is no chance that you will die form such a simple surgery. You ahve to sign a similar form when you go abroad on a school trip.

    No worries

  10. You won't die!!  You'll be fine!  All those actresses have had nose jobs and they have lived!

  11. I have had nine surgeries in my life - seven of them under general anaesthetic - and I'm still here!  You'll be fine - try not to worry and concentrate on how wonderful you'll feel when you're all healed.

  12. The simplest op I've ever had - mine was due to being punched on the nose.

    Had a visit to the hospital a couple of weeks before the op due (along with loads of other people having minor procedures) - usual tests - blood pressure etc.

    Just a day procedure - went in to the local sticking plaster station in the morning, saw the anaesthetist to have a chat, was given a gown to wear, changed out of clothes and put them in a locker, signed the consent to op form, hopped onto a trolley, into the ante room, had a chat with surgeon, injection in back of hand by anaesthetist.  Then woke in the recovery room.  Given a cup of tea and the sister phoned my husband to come and collect me.

    I was phoned by the sister the next day to make sure I was OK (which I was, of course).

    The bleeding, then discharge, from my nose lasted the best part of a week, by the way.

    Really, there is nothing to it - just a minor op.

  13. you'll be fine.  now triple bypass heart surgery... that's something to worry about.

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