
What is the chance of winning euro million? What is the chance of lossing the euro million?

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The chance are the same.

Ticket have the same chance of winning and losing the euro million .

1/18 million chance of winning and losing the euro million.

All the above are incorect.

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  1. Boy, are you a c**p speller or what!  And you can't LOSE something you haven't got!

    If I won the jackpot, there would be NO CHANCE of me losing it, I can tell you!  

    Get the point? The chances of winning may be millions to one, but you cannot say 'chances of losing'!  Geddit?

  2. 1 in 76,275,360

    Probability of winning the Jack Pot = 0.0000000131 %

    Probability of  not winning the Jack Pot = 99.9999999869 %

  3. if i recall correctly the standard calculated odds are 39 million to one.

  4. 1 in 3 billon

  5. Over-all chances to win a cash prize are about 1 in 24

  6. 1/1060993

  7. No they are not the same odds, because the person who pays whatever for the ticket is not paying 1 million euro for it, they aremost likely paying 1 Euro for it. So he/she would have to play 1 million times (and not win) to actually lose 1 million.

    The odds are actually infinate against losing that amount because one can't assume that the person has a million Euros and somehow still has time to play the lottery.

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