
What is the chances I'll be asked to have an meeting with Creative Artists Agency?

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They have signed many big stars like the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, and Selena Gomez. I have only done 5 or six medium sized plays and didn't have big parts. I want to send in my resume and headshot but I dont think they'll consider me.




  1. your chances are like, 1 out of a million

          You need to go to acting school. For at least 3 years. Then go get a degree in acting in college. I would say maybe in 8 years you'll have a slim chance. But now, focus on getting experience, 5 or six plays will get you nowhere.


  2. You're right. Sorry to be blunt, but they won't. CAA is one of the top agencies in LA. Many aspiring actors (with BFA's, MFA's and mile long resume) have difficulty even getting a mid size or boutique agency to represent them.

    Honestly, don't bother sending it it, it would be a waste of time. If you want representation, first working on building up your resume. Then, along with a professional headshot and cover letter, research agencies off the Ross Reports in your area (industry, not geographical) and do a mass mailing. YOu will also need to be a union actor, if you're in LA or agents won't look at you.

    It is extremely difficult and competitive. Do some research first.

  3. Start at the beginning and go to school first to learn how to act and, quite honestly, to even see if you like it. It's much, much more than what you see on those shows.

    There is so much more to acting than meets the eye.

    I agree with Theatre's answer, the chances are slim to none that they will even look at you, especially if you have no training and no experience. You risk your materials getting trashed.

    This doesn't mean that you shouldn't try, but wait until you are ready.

    Have a look at this page on my site for new and aspiring actors. On it you will find 23 links that have to do with different aspects of starting an acting career including why acting classes are important, how to choose a school, why you need an agent and how to get one. You will also see steps to getting started.

    Good luck!


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