
What is the character of a male capricorn born on december 24?

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I cant seem to find an emotional side to him... very secretive... we have been married for 2 years & i am a libran... he seems a little stubborn & doesnot change if i point out something that is wrong. he seems to b more into making lots of money... kinda like, for him money is a step higher than emotional needs. he lies a lot (according to him, its called harmless blabbering)... he has got different character when he is with me, when he is with his family & when he is with his friends...

he doesnot trust anyone... blah... blah... blah...

are these the characteristics of a capricorn?

what are the other charcteristics? are there any hope for me to see an emotional side of his? any hope of him being open to me instead of being secretive? does a capricorn have any weekness?




  1. Character:

    Capricorn is the tenth sign of the Zodiac and is represented by the goat which has an ability to sure-footedly pick its way to the top over any rough terrain. You have complete confidence in your own ability when it comes to work where you naturally manage others and work hard. Although you like to be in charge it is not just to be in the limelight or admired by others, but because you like recognition for your hard efforts. You value material status above all else but this means your emotions take second place. In all areas of your life you take your duties very seriously and make a dependable and loyal friend. Your seriousness can make you appear reserved and even cold, but your friends see a totally different side to you with your dry sense of humour which often surfaces out of the blue. In fact your good timing makes you an excellent comedian but being in front of an audience may not be something you would enjoy. Capricorn is associated with the knees/bones and you may have problems in this area. With a Capricorn Sun you are practical and will persevere to get jobs completed. You will not make snap decisions or take risks but prefer to plan everything and you do not appreciate change. At work you have a hard professional image but in private you tend to be shy and sensitive. Because you take life so seriously this can result in you suffering from bouts of depression. You are also revengeful and believe in an eye for an eye. You like tradition but often marry late and you make a loyal if sometimes selfish partner.

    Words used to describe Capricorn:

    Ambitious, serious, disciplined, practical, methodical, thrifty, responsible and reliable.


    You are clever as well as ambitious and this combination will get you to the top of your chosen career. You are logical and live by rules and regulations so routine work suits you well. You also like responsibility and are happy to sit in your own office alone where you can progress to the top at a steady pace. You are careful with money and do well in banking, finance and local government. The building trades or estate management may appeal as well as dentistry or osteopathy. Capricorns are often self-made business men/women.


    In a partner you are looking for honesty, commitment and discipline, someone who can help you achieve your goals. You can seem to be cold and calm on the surface but once they get to know you really well and find out how to press the right buttons, they may be surprised to find your passionate side unlocked just for them.

  2. Please you give me both of DOB,TOB AND POB WITH OUT ANY complexion if you need real or

  3. i think capricorn person have emotional side,,because i have alot of capricorn friends,,and i know them good,,you just have to pay attention to him,,often to talk,,and share your problem together,,

  4. my bf has the same bday

    because of the closeness to sagittarius they tend to have qualities from that sign as well

    everything you've said fits the capricorn description, but if you do a full natal chart you can see their personality more specifically

    here's a site that can help with that

  5. My friend's birthday is also December 24! I'm curious as to how you got together with yours? I've been waiting half a year for mine to ASK ME OUT. I've been looking around for information on Capricorns myself. Supposedly reserveness is a Capricorn trait and he won't open up until once insecurities and fear of rejection are shoved aside.

  6. For Capricorns it's all about status. (From what I heard)

    They are a realist not an idealist.

    That's all I know.

    FYI Libra and Capricorn are not compatible but that doesn't mean you guys should divorce. Also I haven't heard any stories about a  Libra and a Capricorn actually settling down together except for you.

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