
What is the charter long distance international carrier code?

by  |  earlier

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if u no the code plz tell me




  1. Hmm... do you mean Charter's carrier access code for long distance?  If so, it's 10-16-323.  If you want to make an international call through it, you would dial 10-16-323-011-country code-city code-number.  Drop any leading zeros before the city code.  If Charter is your primary long distance carrier already then dialing the carrier access code is unnecessary.  You would just dial 011-country code-city code-number.  You can verify who your primary long distance carrier is by dialing 1-700-555-4141 (no charge).  You should also verify how much an international call will run you through Charter as there are probably cheaper options available to you depending on what plan you're on.  The operator can be reached by dialing 10163230#.  Note that Charter's carrier access code isn't available in all areas so if the phone you're using isn't in their service area then those 1016323 numbers won't work.

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