
What is the cheaper country overall, argentina or uruguay ?

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im travelling to both, just wondering where my us dollars will go the farthest?




  1. I'm uruguayan. Argentina is cheaper right now, as much to eat as to buy, I guess in Uruguay you will spend at least 20 % more for the same things.

  2. Definitely Uruguay, because the cost of living is lower and the country has lower GNP compared to Argentina.

  3. I have been in both countries in the last 4 months and I would definately say Uruguay

  4. having dollars, both are really cheap, but argentina its cheaper, of course the tourist zones are a little expensive, punta del este (uruguay), Bariloche, some places in buenos aires like puerto madero (argentina) but even those places you are gonna find them cheap. have to go to Colonia Uruguay, really beautiful.

  5. Last November , I went to Buenos Aires in Argentina and we took a day trip to Colonia in Uruguay , we found Argentina much cheaper .Also Urguay 's main resort PUNTE DEL ESTE, IS THE MOST EXPENSIVE town in South America

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