
What is the cheapest Lizard/Gecko?

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That does not grow too much, Not know to bite, Also What would be the total cost for it.&how much does the lamp cost thanks!




  1. Well i think i know of  great species for you. Very common but very pretty. The Green Anole 7-12 inches not to big but are fairly pretty. They are green and eat crickets. ( so thats one of the cheapest live foods avaiable) Theses only need about 10+ so small cage will do fine. They are great active lizards always basking (so you autally see them because there not hiding) ..... all in all a bet you could get a cage light and lizard and light for maby 60 dollars ( the lizard about ten the light for maby 10 (not the expensive ones) and the cage and lid for about 30-40 depends where you shop......

    Snakes- my favorite reptile my first snake i ever bought was a ribbion snake from petsmart or petco ( i dont rerember which) anyhow they are quite friendly when handled for a week are so... They are almost identical compared to a gater snake except they are more agile and they are semi aquatic) I bought mine for only 16 dollars,what a great price! for such a fair snake...i fed mine goldfish which cost only like 16 cents each.  well i hope i helped -reptile.helper

  2. Well lets start with your lizard/gecko question:

    The cheapest lizard would MOST likely be a green anole. They will usually run about 4.99-6.99 at most online reptile stores such as or These are however not the best choice for beginners because they do require a complicated setup that would run you a total of more than 100 dollars.

    However i noticed you said GECKO:

    This would bring to mind for me the house gecko. They are the absolute cheapest geckos available because they are commonly used as feeders for larger animals (This is the same with anoles). If you were to singly purchase a house gecko you would expect to spend about 4.99-5.99 on them. They are alot easier to take care of because they really only need a small plastic box that would be about 12" width by 15-20" length and about 10 or so inches in height.

    Most animals have a tendency to bite because it is a form of self defense and i doubt that you will find an animal that will NEVER bite.

    Heat lamps are needed for many snakes and the green anole as mentioned above but not for the house gecko (they will usually fare quite well at room temperature). Lamps will usually cost you about 5-15 dollars for the bulb, and really any old desklamp should do fine if you will s***w in the heatbulb.

    Small snakes offer you another choice but they can be a little challenging to keep. The most commonly available small snakes can usually fit a 10 gallon tank (if they are male only) and are known as Kenyan Sand Boas or African House Snakes. As mentioned earlier the two reptile sites will sell the Sand Boas, but House snakes will need to be looked up in on classifieds. The snakes are usually alot more expensive with KSB's running about 49.99 and AHS's running about 29.99.

    If you are a beginner i would suggest you go with a house gecko. You have to keep in mind since you want small animals that this gecko isnt very handleable. If you want a good smallish sized lizard that is handleable try the Leopard Gecko. It would need a 10 gallon tank and the lizard would cost you about 24.99-29.99 as babies in the websites.

    Good Luck and please ask more if you need help

  3. The calmest, easiest care lizard I know of is the Crested Gecko.  They require moderate temperatures, so if your house stays comfortable they won't need a lamp.  They are naturally sedate and tolerate handling well.  Plus they are gorgeous!  They generally cost about $30-$75 dollars, depending on the breeder or store.  You can put them in a glass fish tank.  I recommend a secondhand tank, you can get them very cheap that way.

    Leopard geckos are also very easy to maintain, and tend to be good with handling as well.

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