
What is the cheapest Photoshop?

by Guest57086  |  earlier

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I was thinking about asking for Photoshop for Christmas, because I have a fansite and would like my pictures I edit to be amazing. I know a lot of people who use CS3. Which one is the most valuable and worth the money?




  1. I actually prefer an older Photoshop because it has fewer bells and whistles that just confuse me, and, it's too expensive!!

    You might also look at Sefif PhotoPlus X2.. nice package, finally they have a version that works well and is not very expensive < $100 ...

    If you're really needing the Pro software, Photoshop CS3 is great and whopping expensive. They do have upgrade packages too, although I never liked upgrades because Adobe upgrades require the older version of software to be on the machine first...

    Good Luck!!

  2. get photoshop elements first then once you are used to the software buy CS3. You can get it off of ebay for around $300. I don't know what the catch is but you should ask as much as you can about the product.

    O yea elements costs around $80.

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