
What is the cheapest and most exciting dates you've gone on?

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What is the cheapest and most exciting dates you've gone on?




  1. I actually took a guy to visit the Statue of Liberty. It was cool b/c I'd never been there myself and my sister got us in for free (she works for them). Then he took me to Dave & Busters for dinner and we played video games. I guess it was a favorite for me b/c the guy was down to earth and alot of fun to be with.

  2. took my girl to the nearest lake in the neighbhood,

    prepare somethn 2 nice to eat beforehand,

    Voila.... got her after some sweet talk, n of cos, it was only possible cos we were on a very good term, n we love each other.

    it cheap, its exciting, n bit scary at first cos she might reject u any second after ur confession. haha

    gud luck man~

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