
What is the cheapest/fastest bus line from Laredo to Mexico City or Veracruz?

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Which is the cheapest express company goes from either Laredo or Nuevo Laredo to Mexico city, preferably the first class type of bus




  1. I just made the trip from Mc Allen to Xalapa, Veracruz by way of Mexico must go through mexico  City.  it is my experience that the bus fares on the 1st class buses are identical or only a few pesos different. there is no great discrepency between companies.  There are several lines that make this trip.  I esp. like Grupo Senda.  See site below.  They have a bus every day at 6:10 pm from Laredo to Mexico City.  If you go to the bus station in Laredo, you can check out several lines...but I find them to be nearly equal.  Then, from Mexico City, take ADO to Veracruz.

  2. I know that ADO services the Eastern part of Mexico (Autotransportes de Oriente).  Unfortunately, they don't service Laredo or Nuevo Laredo, but I'm sure that they go from Reynosa and Matamoros to Veracruz directly (without going to Mexico City).  Get their number from their Website.  YOu might take a bus from Laredo to McAllen or Nuevo Laredo to Reynosa on another line (VTC on the US side or Grupo Senda) and then go from there. If you go thru Mexico City that's going to add more time to your trip.

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