
What is the cheapest online bookstore you've ever ordered from (shipping to Australia)?

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I'm a huge reader - mainly sci-fi/fantasy, which means most of the books come in trilogies. Now, I love, love, love going to bookstores - browsing through the new arrivals, investigating new series, etc. Problem is with conventional bookstores (A & R, Dymocks, Borders), they tend to be more expensive than DVDs in a lot of cases - at least $20 plus.

I am lucky enough to have a great 2nd hand place near my house, but of course it doesn't have everything I want to read. I found what I think might be a pretty great online store based in Australia - ... It seems to have a great range of books at cheaper prices than you would pay in store, and good shipping rates that means your savings aren't wasted when you pay for shipping. I don't order from Amazon because of this - shipping to Australia just negates any savings.

My questions is - what is the cheapest online bookstore you've ever ordered from (shipping to Australia)?




  1. Amazon.

  2. I use and they ship to everywhere, usually. some people dont like it. I also used amazon and they are pretty cheap, but they also dont have very good books.  

  3. I get most of my books for a penny or under $5.00

  4. I use they are good and pretty cheap. Also they have started to let customers sell second hand versions of the book you want (i haven't used this service yet so not sure how good it is) to make it that much cheaper as well.

    I live in WA and i have to admit it takes a bit longer to get to here than their estimated time. It's not that long like 2 - 6 days. Once i actually got it BEFORE the estimated time lol.

    Also i like how they have no shipping fees if you spend over $50 and how if you give reviews on books you get cash rewards. It's not a huge amount or anything (.20c), but its something.

    I hope that helps.

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