
What is the cheapest organic mosquito repellant stuff?

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I need it to mix with my paper, in order to make a mosquito-repellant paper... thanks in advance!




  1. I agree with Christina, Listerine works well, it also works on bites afterwards, it helps the itching.  Another thing that might work is bodyspray that has lemongrass oil in it.  Just spray it on the paper, I spray it on myself (or put on lemongrass oil straight) and it helps really really well with keeping mosquitos away.  Good luck!

  2. Listerine and water!

  3. Vanilla extract mixed with water.  Use this in a spray bottle, and on your body.  You will also smell yummy.

  4. you can use aloe vera fresh leaf extract and coconut coir ash,it may be useful and non-toxic

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