
What is the cheapest snell approved helmet?

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I'm in the market for a cheap first fullface helmet. Not one of the flipups. And I don't really trust DOT cuz they don't test the helmets.

I was looking at the icon helmets and they were pretty cool, but they run about 400 bucks. And I would much rather pay something like 200 or less. Do you guys have any suggestions.




  1. if you have a 69. $ head buy a 69 $ helmet. Else look at an HJC, good helmet. about 200 ish.

  2. you gotta ask your self this question.  How much is your head worth?  If you come off your bike at 100mph will you still want the cheapest helmet on your head as you hit the tarmac?

  3. Don't go cheap for a helmet,cheap ones are usually heavy. Buy a quality skid lid for under $150.  Checkout 'dennis'.

  4. I don't have one so I can't attest to their quality, but here's a link. Snell and DOT approved starting at 60 bucks.


  6. Some good reading on the whole helmet standards debate in the links below.  The conclusion was that more expensive, even SNELL approved, helmets don't necessarily mean they're safer.  They suggest that helmet fit and noise level, among other factors, are more important because you won't be as distracted as much while riding - and that lends more to a safer helmet than anything else.

  7. Bell.I have helmets that cost three times the amount of the Bell and it was a waste of money.The only thing about the Bell is that i cant find the visors for it now.The HJC helmets are more comfee and there almost as cheap.The visors are easier to find also.Hjc is the best i have found yet.Dont waste your money on a $150.00.helmet.HJC,s start about $80.00.Your head is worth that much.Also make sure it fits your head right.Dont buy a tight helmet thinking it will fit better later.Ride safe.

  8. KBC or HJC both are Snell and DOT approved helmets and run from around $160.00 to $200.00 dollars

  9. I got an HJC off the clearance rack at the local Yamaha dealership for $89. Shop around. Do not buy online because there is no way to guarantee the correct size and fit. That matters the most because you don't want the wind blowing around inside a helmet that's too big. You'll look like a bobble head.

  10. I just bought a HJC C-15 for $120 very comfortable full face, all black at a little local bike shop, Snell and dot approved, like everyone else said how much is your melon worth, FYI if you were traveling 70 miles and hour and you hit a brick wall its the same as falling out a 5th story window on your face.

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