
What is the cheapest thing you could do in a fight?

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any dirty techniques u could name..




  1. Front tackle, aka football tackle, aka morote gari. Works on tons of people, trained and untrained.  Takes practically no skill.

    Shoving a person down on the ground.  Be sure to push DOWN, not back.

  2. shoot an unarmed person in the back

  3. theres no cheapest thing'anything goes.

  4. RUN boy RUN

  5. Bite your opponent. Almost nobody expects to get bitten.

  6. Whip out a hold-out pistol and shoot the bugger.

  7. go for the balls or neck, it's dirty, but effective.

  8. Claw someone's eyes...that is worse than anything and unless it is a life or death struggle it should be avoided for one reason..lifelong complications.

    I'd rather be bitten, knee'd in my groin, choked, blindsided and stomped than have someone claw my eyes.

  9. Ball shot followed by a poke in the eye. If you still can't win then you are just terrible.

  10. Biting is vicious, human mouth is filthy.  When fighting for your life there is nothing cheap IMO, only doing whatever is necessary

  11. You can do a eye flick,

    it will Damage the Eye and you can also hit on your opponent ear.

    Go for the Vitialty spot, it hurts more. but a good punch is to hit with both your knuckle's/hand and elbow at the same time with speed, but Eye flick first

  12. OK less to most in my view

    1 - Strike at the neck or Adam's Apple

    2 - Raking the face

    3 - Break their Knee (if you can, very hard to do)

    4 - Rabbit punches

    5 - Bite them

    6 - Gouge their eyes

    If you are fighting for you LIFE then use them. If not then don't go near them best technique is be very fast at running.

  13. eye gouging

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