
What is the cheapest toll free 800 service?

by Guest67184  |  earlier

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I run a business out of my home so I need a private personal line and an 800 number with unlimited ( or in the 1000-2000 minute range) incoming and outgoing calls. By now I'm cross-eyed and confused about which is best. Should I try a Cox Bundle? Go with VOIP? And where does digital and T-1 fit into this?...And which is the best price? Vonage only allows 100 minutes incoming, so that won't work. My business is start-up so I could go with a smaller service now and increase later.




  1. I use a virtual 800 number added with my home service from packet8 for over 5 year and never had problems with them!! I use the international plan, so I use to call all countries and ppl can call me from abroad with my US 800 number!

    I pay 29.99 for the Internatl. plan and 4.99 for the toll-free number, per month!!

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