
What is the cheapest way to buy stock online?

by  |  earlier

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and what is the minimum investment/# of shares




  1. you should look at etrade they give you a certain amount of free trades to start off with.

    They are not the most cheap, but they are very reliable.

  2. I found the cheapest stock broker in the world.

    online stock broker offers cheap stock trading at $1.50 - $3.00.

    Some great features mentioned on their site:

    -Fast Order Execution

    -Excellent Customer Service

    -Scheduled Investments and Fractional Shares

    -Enhanced Online Security and SIPC Protection

    -Powerful Trading Technology

    -No Account Inactivity or Account Maintenance Fees

  3. 1) Zecco.

    2) $0.01 USD.

  4. let me give you a very good advice, stay away from wall street


  6. I use scottrade... the resources are great, and it's $7.00 / trade. (Some microcaps have cost me up to $7.34, I think).

    I believe there's a minimum investment to get started ($500, maybe?!?), but I was changing jobs and rolled a little 401k into a Scottrade account as a self-managed IRA

  7. This "INVESTMENT GUIDE" is more helpful for you to make your money to make money for you,without taking any risk.

    To gain more information TO INVEST MINIMUM IN STOCKS ONLINE,just gothrough the site .........


  8. buy it from your heart

  9. You can look into Zeeco, E-Trade, or Scottrade

    But the cheapest is not always the best firm to use.

    All firms have minimum requirements for opening an account, not firm bases their account requirements on the quantity of the transaction.

    Securities with low prices are usually charged more for trades but it is up to the firm

  10. why wud u even buy stock at this point of time where the stock market is horrible

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