
What is the cheapest way to create energy in a place where you don't have oil or natural gas or coal?

by Guest67150  |  earlier

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If you build any of the renewable energy sources it would cost a lot, although, which's the cheapest?




  1. What do you have?     If you have all the sun, wind and water head you need, water power is the cheapest way to produce renewable electricity.

  2. It varies with the location. You can't use tidal energy in the middle of the Sahara, biomass in Antarctica, or solar where it rains almost every day.

  3. You cannot create energy, only convert it from one form to another.  The specific answer will depend on your specfic location.

  4. The CHEAPEST way is to ship in oil from someplace else. But I bet that isn't what you want to hear. The CHEAPEST non oil way is hydroelectric; build a dam and water powered generators.

  5. Solar, wind and water energy sources are pretty cheap because they're readily available. You can read about them here:

  6. Did you know that you can go to any library and see how to build solar panels very cheaply.  The batteries are the expensive part, but the new ones hold so much more energy.  Wind turbines are good.

  7. I would go solar. It does cost more in the beginning but you see the savings and get your money back quickly.

  8. two ways to look at it  to can go wind mill but there is inconsistency in the wind. solar is next as long as it is not like seattle with alot of clouds. then there is hydro electric then again continual running water from falls or major river

  9. Solar energy is very afordable. I have a solar powered calculator. However if it is dark or cloudy... it doesn't work. It is very eco friednly.

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