
What is the cheapest way to get around paris for a day?

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What is the cheapest way to get around paris for a day?




  1. The very cheapest is to walk.

    Next down the line is Velib. This is the Paris city bike rental scheme. It costs you just one euro (about $1.20) for a day, provided each trip is not more than half an hour long.

    Quick instruction manual for Velib: Go to any Velib stand, of which there are several hundred in Paris. Insert your credit card.( It must be a card with a chip, the old-fashioned magnetic strip cards won't work) and follow the instructions in English to select a one day ticket, price one euro. This will give you a code to use at any velib stand. You can then take a bike from the stand and use it. Leave it at any other velib stand in the city within half an hour. You can use your ticket as many times as you want in a day and you can get quite a long way in half an hour. If you want to go further, than half an hour, then just put the bike in a stand, wait a couple of minutes and get another bike.

    Next cheapest is a one day pass on the Metro (subway). Costs 5.60 euros (about $7). Careful, don't buy a tourist pass. They are much more expensive and you don't get anything extra worth having.

  2. On foot, of course.  If that is not possible, buy a carnet of metro tickets (good for buses and the metro).

  3. Buy a Paris Visite ticket at any station. This will get you on buses and metro,RER for the whole day.This was a life saver for me because it saves so much money! There are Metro and RER station all around.Oh and ask for a map when you buy your ticket as there are so many different lines.

  4. Buy what is called a "Mobilis" for zones 1&2 which will cost 5.60 euros. This is a one day transport pass that allows you to unlimited use of the Metro, the RER, and the bus.

    They often try to sell tourists the "Paris Visite" pass which is more expensive (8.50 euros) but no more useful and some ticket agents will even claim that the Mobilis cannot be sold to foreigners (which is nonsense).  If this happens just move on to another ticket seller.

    However, I want to endorse the idea of doing a lot of walking in Paris. The city has layout with many areas of narrow winding streets that date from the medieval period or even earlier that are fascinating just as a form of history. There are still many, many buildings that are hundreds of years old which, while they may not be specifically historical, are worth seeing as you stroll the city. Indeed, Paris is one of the most beautiful cities anywhere and that is best appreciated on foot and at leisure.

    Of course, if you have only one day in Paris much of that will have to wait for your next visit.

    One last thing. People on every forum I've ever been on about Paris constantly repeat that taxis are expensive. They certainly aren't the sort of thing a budget traveller will use for every trip but they are not expensive relative to other cities in Western Europe or North America.

  5. drivee <3 3 3

    lol =]

    probably can't .

  6. By métro, buy 1 day pass ! Have nice trip in Paris !

  7. The metro, and of course, walking. Taxis are expensive.

  8. It is free if you walk Paris.  Paris is such a compact city, and most of the sights most people want to see are within walking distance of each other.  I walked most of Paris in a matter of hours (Notre Dame Cathedral, the Louvre, Musee D'Orsay, the Tuileries, to the Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, to the Eiffel Tower).

    But if your feet are not conducive to walking, and the weather is bad, use the metro or the busses.  You can buy a day pass for a few euros and ride metro and busses unlimited all day. (Definitely a bargain!)

    NEVER ever drive in Paris if you can avoid it!  The traffic is horrendous and frustrating, not to mention nerve-wracking, parking is impossible to find, and there is little to no respect for speed limits or traffic regulations.

    NEVER ever take a taxi either.  They are expensive and a waste of money.  You can get to where you need to go just as quickly (and more affordably) via the Metro, the RER, and busses which run regularly and frequently.

    So if you are active, I would recommend seeing Paris by foot and save your Euros for the 5 euro cappucinos...  : )

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