
What is the cheapest way to get from Perth airport to Fremantle,Public or private transport?

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What is the cheapest way to get from Perth airport to Fremantle,Public or private transport?




  1. Bus from airport to Perth Central train station, then train to Fremantle. If there are more than two of you travelling together, get a taxi to Perth train station then the train.

  2. There's not really any cheap way as Perth Airport is a long way from Perth If  you get buses and trains it will take you a few hours by the time you walk to the bus stop from the airport then wait around for the train to Fremantle . Although this would be the cheapest way it's a bit of a drag. The most convienent is the shuttle bus but  you will be one of the last to be dropped off but still this way I've found best.

  3. Depends if you mean the International Airport or the Domestic airport and what you mean by "private transport" - do you mean a friend picking you up or a taxi?

    Anyway, it is something over $50 from the Domestic terminal to Fremantle, and slightly less from the International one, by taxi.

    There is no public transport to/from the International terminal. You could get a taxi to Perth train station ($25) and then get a train to Fremantle ($3.40). Then you have to get from Fremantle station to wherever you are going within Fremantle, although the backpackers and hotels are walking distance.

    Same applies to the Domestic terminal, but there are (infrequent) public transport busses to/from Perth there.

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