
What is the cheapest way to make a patent, Huh

by  |  earlier

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I have created this product that is already in formation, basically defined to a finish. I am looking for some one to help me in the financing department.




  1. If you're new to inventing and patents, try having a look at:

    There's information on patents and inventions there.

  2. FIND A GOOD PATENT ATTORNEY!!!  Trust me, you do NOT want to "cheap out" when it comes to getting a patent on an invention.  A good patent attorney can help you get through the entire process with all the "t"s crossed and "i"s dotted.  Also, don't try to market your invention before you've started the process of getting it patented.  If you start to market an invention before you've started the patent work, someone can come along and "pirate" your invention.  Even though you invented it, if you haven't started the patent process, they can come in behind you, steal your design, get it patented, and you'll be out of luck.

    You can get more information at the United States Patent and Trade Office website.  (See below.)

  3. There really is no cheap way to get a patent, however, there is something called a 'provisional patent'. It is cheap. And it allows you to use the terms "patent pending".

    Basically, what it does is give you one year to file a patent, and you can claim the date of the provisional patent for anything that is contained in that application.

    Provisional patent applications are not examined and will not result, by themself, in the issuance of a patent. If you fail to file a patent with the one year timeframe, you lose the benefit of the provisional.

    However, they will allow you to use the terms "patent pending" when you solicit financing. They will also allow you to prove, to the patent office, the date of your invention (in case anyone you pitch the idea to tries to patent it themself or publishes it).

    I would urge you the most caution against putting in large amounts of your own money or taking money from family members. It might make sense to invest your own money to get a provisional patent and to take on a family member to help you solicit investors. But you should try to get money from disinterested strangers.

    If you can't convince a stranger that your idea is worth investing in, it probably isn't. And you don't want the stress that comes with family members who have made major financial investments.

    Whatever you do, do not allow yourself or anyone you know personally to invest money you do not know for sure they cannot easily afford to lose.

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