
What is the cheapest way to make phone calls from Brazil to the U.S.?

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Assuming you have only a regular land-line and no computer.





  1. Buy phone card......... like you pay $2 or $5, $3 and you talk a certain amount of time, like it depends.

  2. Phone card is the best way. Chip, safe and lot of hours in conversation.

  3. I think the cheapest way is dialing with a company like Embratel or Telemar, or even TIM Brasil.  It's less than 60 centavos a minute.   With TIM, it's 41 cents per minute.  Good deal!

  4. Check with the company with whom you have the landline. For example, if its telefonica they have a special plan called super destinos where you can select five countries and pay a special low rate for international calls to these countries. But first you have to register the five countries with them - a simple process which can be done over the phone. With this type of discount calls to the US should cost around 35 centavos a min. Intellig also has a similar offer called pais amigo. Again, you select the countries and then have special discount rates. As for Embratel you could get their tarifa unica DDI plan - here again it costs nothing to register and no monthly payments. With Embratel you would pay about 35 centavos a min to the US, and one real to any country in the world, anyday, anytime. All the different schemes dont have any monthly payments. Its free to register as well. Only, no matter what you use, make sure you check your monthly bills and correct any error billings. Known to happen. Be careful of using your cell to call the US and recheck the rates before calling. Using Embratel and my cell I called from Foz de Igazu to SP on my prepaid vivo cell phone. I made five calls, each one for about five minutes, and ended up paying sixty reais for the whole.

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