
What is the cheapest way to redecorate a?

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kinda like a theme type any suggestions? i really need help!!! pronto!!!!




  1. paint

  2. Paint is usually the least expensive redecorating option.

  3. The cheapest way to redecorate if you are wanting to paint your walls go to your local home improvement store. They will have cans of paint they mixed up for other people & the color wasn't the right color so they will be discounted. Know what kind of decorations you are looking for a search your discount aisle at your local Target or Hobby Lobby for great piece & really great prices. I personally am a fan of old movies & think that woudl look great!

  4. nowadays nothing is cheap unless you have the ability to design on dime

  5. Paints and what you the cheapest.....What theme's you like.............Watch some movies on tv and grab some idea' of room ,one day at a time.......pretty soon it will be beautiful. bye

  6. um..thrift stores....or the dollar stores....or just start buying this on clearance or discount

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