
What is the cheapest way to tell if your horse is pregnant?

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My horse is 14yrs.old and she should be 2 months and 3 days today.She has not come back into cycle.




  1. Watch and see if she comes back into heat. A pregnant horse will not show to or tease a stallion. A human pregnancy test has been known to work. Can't miss the urine stream! Do not rely solely upon weight gain, as that can be caused by other factors. Start feeding the mare feed for pregnant horses as soon as possible to give the foal a good jump start.

  2. The cheapest way is to do nothing and see if she drops a baby.

    That's not the best way.  Pregnant mothers needs special nutrition and care.

    I recommend calling a vet.

  3. Ask a vet, if you ask in calling he will tell you how to check her out to see if she is or isnt. Or get a book and look in there it will tell you how you know she is pregnant or not. Or get a trainer/breeder who knows how to handle this sort of stuff, they will stick there hand inside her area and feel around and know whats going on.

  4. magic?

  5. Believe it or not there are actually mare pregnancy tests that you can buy. It is cheaper than an ultrasound and then you will know if you need the vet out to tell you how far along she is and what supplements you should give her. You might be able to find it online or you could call around to your local horse supply stores. Good Luck!

  6. Cheepest way?  get a home EPT for humans and catch some of her urine.  It will work for a horse just like for us.  <given the whole PMU farming thing it does make sense>

    However.  Nothing beats a good old vet exam with him palpating her.

  7. track what she is eating and see if she gains weight... also find out if there are any stallions at your barn...

  8. The cheapest way to find out is to do nothing and wait and see if you get a baby next year.  However, pregnant mares need supplements and rhino shots at the 5th, 7th, and 9th month.  Plus boosters 30 days before foaling to boost immunity in the colostrum.  Right now, it's cheaper to wait and see but in the long run, without proper care and preparation for a foal, you could lose both your mare and any baby.  It's not that expensive to have her palpated and most vets can give you an accurate answer at 30 days.  Why not have her checked?

  9. well, the cheapest way would be to wait 11 months.. LoL... other than that, a blood test would work at this point!... most horses cycle about every 6 weeks, so congrats,it sounds like you might be having a foal!

  10. Wait until it gives birth.

  11. A human pregnancy test should work!!

    Catching her peeing is the hard part.....

  12. I know some people use women pregnancy test on there horses but im not sure if that actully works or not. There is kind of a debate about it.

    Here is a site with three pregnancy

    You cant tell by looks until they get to 8 or more months pregnant.

    But she will change her attitude. So watch and see if she does something that she normally wouldnt due.

    I dont know if you ever checked her udders before but if you have, if you check them again and she doesnt want you to touch them, thats a sign that she may be pregnant. But there isnt much use checking them until a month before she foals.

    But any way.

    The cheapest way to tell would be a blood test.

    The fact that she has not come into her cycle is a sign that she is. But if she does come back into heat, dont give up the fact that she isnt' pregnant. I know mares that go into heat while pregnant.

    IF you have any more questions email me at

    Hope i helped and i hope if she is pregnant that she has a safe delivery and a healthy foal.

    good luck!

  13. Well that one good way. Check your vet, if it is a large animal vet in the country then the price will be cheeper. The cheepest way that I know of, honestly, it to wait 9 months and 8 days(the justation period of a horse with foal is 11 months and 11 days, I just did the math). But check with a large animal vet if you can, or wait. Luck.

  14. I walked mine by my stud colt...I didn't breed these mare i got but i wanted to see for myself before the vet came out.

  15. The cheapest way to tell if your mare is in foal is to wait 11 months unless your experienced enough to be able to tell by sight in another couple months.  The next cheapest method is to have a vet come out to palpate her.  Blood test is best done after 5 months of pregnancy.  Ultrasound at two months is a watse of money.  On tehbreeding farm I ultrasounded at 14 days and again at 22 days, 30 days and palpates beginning at 45 days

  16. Most equine vets have ultrasounds that can be done for nominal fee. These are usually done somewhere around 4 months.

  17. I would get an Ultrasound.

    Its not the cheapest thing to do, but you will know right away, and not have to wait months.

    However, if she hasn't come back in cycle, she is most likely pregnant.

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