
What is the cheapest way to travel to Australia and New Zealand?

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I traveled to Australia from NYC back in 2002, and a round trip ticket was over $1500. Is there a cheaper way to get to Australia or New Zealand (from the US) ? I alway hear rumors of dirt cheap prices to get there, but have never seen anything

for less than $1000




  1. If you have never seen (or found) anything below $1,000 then that's whats on the go.

    Rumour is rumour, its like urban myth.

    Actually, US$1,000 round trip seems extremely cheap, grab one if you can!

  2. walk

  3. We went through Qantas.  With the Aussie air pass it was still about $1500 but we were able to go to from Washington to a few different cities in Australia for that price.

  4. $1,500 is a relativly cheap price. My suggestion is to look into a few airlines, jetstar flies to hawaii but i'm not sure about nyc. Try looking into Qantas, United, Air Canada, Hawaiian, etc..

    I have recently booked airfars from Sydney to Honolulu for just under $1,200. It was actually cheaper to book through a travel agent then it was online, which was surprising.

    For travel to New Zealand I would look into Air Newzealand. They have cheaper flights then most airlines but are not the highest quality. For top quality look into Emirates.

    The US$ is currently buying around $1.10 AU, making it cheaper for Americans to come to Australia then the other way around, I wouldnt be complaining too much.

    EDIT - If things are more expensive then you should be grateful that you get them cheaper all the time, and not complaining that you need to pay what we have to for a few weeks while on holiday. While the $ is still relativly equal then I see no cause for complaints, if it were to cost double then sure fair enough.

  5. Look on the virgin or virginblue web site.

  6. sailboat

  7. Package deals from a travel agent or places like expedia!! Honestly you never really save on airfare it is the hotel and whatnots that make it cheaper then getting all separate!!

  8. Buy a time machine, go back to the 1950's in England and you can get a boat passage PLUS you're paid 10 pounds to come here. That's how my Dad did it.


    Sorry can't help you. Google "cheap flights australia".

    Otherwise look at low-cost carriers like Virgin to see if they do it.

    You could probably do it cheaper if you went via Europe and Asia, but it would be a pain and a looooong trip.

    But it's worth it! It's great here.

    EDIT: Mel, considering the American dollar used to buy up to $2 Australia, $1.10 is very low! The same holiday last year would have cost 10-15% less than now as the dollar is so weak.

    Using the old can of coke comparison, a can of coke here in Australia costs $1.30, it only costs 80 cents Australian in the US. So things cost more here (in terms of the actual numbers) so it ends up being more expensive compared to back home in America.

    $1 US will buy you $1.10 but what costs you $1 in the US costs more than $1.10 in Australia.

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