
What is the chemistry behind stomach acid & antacids?

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Can anyone help on what the chemistry is behind stomach acid and antacids?




  1. Stomach acids come from these little tiny pumps in the stomach called proton pumps...sometimes too much acid is produced where there is too much/too little in the stomach. When you take something like Rolaids or Tums, it's usually calcium carbonate, which fizzes in the stomach and has an overall neutralizing effect on the PH of the acidity to calm the heartburn. Medication like Zantac or Prilosec (ranitidine or omeprazole), what those are are PPI's...Proton Pump Inhibitors, and those actually slow down the production of acid from the proton pumps, so they work by solving the problem by the source instead of just treating the acidity. I Hope that helped in some way.

  2. Actually

    The prescription ones like Nexium, and Protonix turn off a specific enzyme that controls the creation of more stomach acid.

  3. The prescription ones like Nexium, and Protonix turn off a specific enzyme that controls the creation of more stomach acid.

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