
What is the chief flight engineer duty ?

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What is the chief flight engineer duty ?




  1. Lately, he seems to be responsible for keeping up the morale of the flight attendants.  They need constant attention and supervison....especially during inspections of the lavatories.

    condolences to cpt. dunsill

  2. A flight engineer operates and monitors aircraft systems (fuel, hydraulic, pneumatic, electric etc.) in flight, performs maintenance as required on the ground, refuels and prepares the aircraft for flight. He also calculates flight data for the pilot. In other words...he keeps the pilot out of trouble. The position has been all but eliminated though due to the new systems that monitor them-self.

  3. The flight engineer is the third man (or woman) in the cockpit, and is responsible for the maintenance and functioning of the aircraft.  In some older aircraft, the flight engineer monitors the engine instruments during flight, and adjusts controls as necessary to maintain peak engine performance.

    Flight engineers are being phased out of most airline cockpits, as newer aircraft are being designed to be flown by a two-man flight crew.

  4. the engeering officer reports to the capt directly as to the functions/ problems affecting the safety issues ,during the  operation of his aircraft at any given during the flight.

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