
What is the city of mexico and where is it located?

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my dad told me it existed but i don't believe him




  1. the city of mexico is the capital of mexico

    its also called mexico D.F  

    which means federal district of mexico

  2. You should listen to your father! Mexico City is the capital of Mexico.

  3. It's in Southern California. It use to be called Los Angeles

  4. visit and see some cool pictures and information

  5. Click the link below to see a map of Mexico which show the states and major roads.  You'll see that several roads lead to Mexico City.

  6. Well you sure are lost, good nickname... How old are you? I think is general culture, is like if I ask if it's true that a city called New York exists...

  7. your looking for mexico city and it is the capaitl of mexico look it up on a map  

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