
What is the civilian conservation corp?

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What is the civilian conservation corp?




  1. Your question should be 'what WAS the CCC?'--it doesn't exist anymore.  The CCC was a work program during the Depression era that built all sorts of facilities at national parks and other Federal properties.  It was ended during World War II, never to return. The closest thing today is Americorps.

  2. Adding on to the Answers of others, the CCC have built many of the early state parks in Florida.  They built cabins campgrounds and are even responsible for Florida Caverns State Park, where they dug out the cavern for tours.

  3. corn? thats a corp

  4. President Roosevelt proposed to recruit thousands of unemployed young men, enroll them in a peacetime army, and send them into battle against destruction and erosion of our natural resources. Before it was over, over three million young men engaged in a massive salvage operation, the most popular experiment of the New Deal.

    The strongest reaction to the proposed CCC program was from organized labor. Its leaders feared a loss of jobs that could be filled with union members. They also looked with alarm at the involvement of the Army believing it might lead to regimentation of labor.

    Senate Bill 5.598 was introduced in March 27, was through both houses of Congress on the President's desk to be signed on March 31, 1933.

    Sounds like that would be a good thing to work out our environments and labor issues we have now.

  5. A lot of the old timers I know served in the CCC. They planted a lot of shelter belts in North Dakota, millions of trees. When I was growing up in the 60's and 70's These shelter belts kept the top soil in place. We did a lot of summer fallow back then too. That's taking some of the land out of production for a year to let it rest and reclaim some of the minerals it needs to produce crops. We use to leave stubble standing to hold snow in the winter for the next years moisture. and also used the moldboard plow to control weeds. Not many farmers do this anymore unless they are organic. Now the farmers are tearing out all the trees now because the equipment is so darn big it tough to maneuver a big four wheel drive tractor with 60 feet of air seeder and grain cart while pulling a double wide anhydrous trailer. A rig like that can be 100' long. But as screwed up as the government has farming now you go big or you go broke.

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