
What is the cleanest alternative fuel that has been discovered ?

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I know each alternative fuel comes with a price (as does everything). The extracting of hydrogen is supposedly not environmentally friendly, this being one of the prices of its implementation. I am not an expert on the subject though. Does anyone know what the cleanest alternative fuel available or that has been found is ? I also am wondering what some of the pros and cons of some of the others are. I suppose cleanest could mean one that is the most environmentally and economically friendly source available so far.




  1. Food. You eat it and then walk to where you need to go, use elbow grease instead of machinery to clean things, use a hammer and not a nail gun, carry stuff instead of hauling it in a car....

  2. compressed air...well i guess to power the air compressor goes back to the electric companies which usually uses coal.natural gas to create  energy

    but if we focus on getting power companies to focus more on a combination of nuclear, solar, and wind then it'll probably be pretty beneficial

    but also if our ultimate source is going to come from the electric companies then a plug in electric would be just about the same(though the disposal of the batteries would be more of a concern)

  3. I dunno. Solar generated hydrogen is pretty durned clean.

    btw, neither hydrogen nor electricity are energy sources. They are conduits that need to  be generated. Solar and geothermal are as clean as we can get.

  4. If u measure the work done for the CO2 produced ,they are all about the same.

  5. Electricity.  It's already created and transported, and it's relatively inexpensive.  Plus if it's created with renewable power, it's totally clean (no emissions from a tailpipe or smokestack).

    A disadvantage is that currently, you can't go very far with electricity, but batteries are improving, and that could change.

  6. solar power is the answer, it is the only power source which has an endless supply, a solar panel just 5cm by 5cm is enough to power the chopper of a helicopter model. With all the technologies available I think it's ridiculous how we don't have solar power cars and stuff, if the governments really wanted to invest in protecting the enviroment solar powered appliances and transportation can be produced in a really short time.... fact is they wanna keep the oil industries in buisness which is pretty stupid... clean energy sources are easily within our reach, just that the governments don't want to reach it....

  7. They used to use compressed air train engines in mines until Diesel created his engine! If it can move heavy loads of coal surely it can move a consumers light weight car!  Perhaps Chlorophyll like the plants use would me more efficient!

  8. Air. Walk or ride a bike.

  9. Solar voltaic.

    The problem is not the power source but the storeage, and that is progressing quickly.

  10. All alternative fuels are rated '0' emissions but the hydrogen fuel gives back to the environment a rebate of pure water. So that would be what I consider the cleanest. There is a water

    engine developed that will run an automobile but I have to test drive it to tell how clean it is.


  11. Pure svo or wvo.

  12. Walking.

  13. With billions of insects and animals killed daily on the roads, clean fuel is not the answer to our planet's sterility.  Help us get man off of the roadway to death.  We got along fine with nature as little as 175 years ago.  I see no reason why this generation should bare the guilt of planetary genocide.

  14. A hundred years ago it was electricity. In the early 1900's Henry Fords wife drove only Electric automobiles, she owned three I think....right through the thirties (what does that tell you)

    Check out this site for the early development of the electric car

    If we had not abandoned electric for the more readily obtainable gasoline in the early 1900's, and had we devoted the same amount or reach and development and with the always newer technologies through the years, I doubt we would ever have questions such as these

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