
What is the cleanest source of energy available?

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  1. i think its wind energy cuz it does not release harmful gasses nor wastes materials.

  2. Solar and  wind  energy are clean ways to get energy, but have limitations, depending on the climates. In the colder climates, people wouldn't be able to survive through the winter on solar energy alone.

    Wind farms wouldn't produce enough energy for a whole town, and besides they 'd be a eye sore on the landscape!....

    Many countries already exausted their hydroelectric capacities, which is a fairly clean way of getting electricity. What's not been tried yet in large scale is wave (tide) energy to produce electricity.

    Nuclear energy, although hailed by some as "clean" is the most dangerous.  An accident and the land can become contaminated for generations,....Remember Chernobyl ?

  3. Coal

    Recycling old and dirty plant matter.

  4. For mass power production I would have to go with solar power.

    Earth continuously receives 174 PW (1,740,000,000,000,000,000 Watts) of incoming solar radiation at the upper atmosphere about 55% of this reaches the Earth’s surface (still 95.7 PW) that is a phenomenal amount of energy! current technology is still quite inefficient at capturing this energy (approx 40%) this is still much higher efficiency than fossil fuels (approx 35%). Photoelectric technology is being continually developed and so this means that there is a huge amount of potential in this field.

    for things like cars and appliances (that can't be plugged in) I'd probably go for fuel cells such as Hydrogen fuel cells...

  5. I'm pretty sure that it would have to be solar energy as there are no harmful by-products produced.

  6. Solar energy has to be the cleanest I think, hydro and wind power are equally as 'clean', but in terms of practicality solar power is less obtrusive, easier to use and more accessible for the average household.

    Saying that, on a countrywide scale, hydroelectric plants and wind farms out to see could be used to great effect and provide for much of the country's needs, backed up by nuclear energy, which technically isn't as 'clean' in envioronmental terms as the aforementioned three, but is much much more preferable to fossil fuels.

    The problem is this will not happen, because the government and too many special interest groups are making a fortune out of fossil fuels. As soon as these energy's become profitable, just watch how quickly they are encompassed and rushed out!

  7. i think itz geothermal energy.. heat energy from earths crust..

    very useful i wud say ..


  8. energia eolica, aunque el aire este xucio ajjajajajajaja

  9. Solar energy is the cleanest source of energy available because there is no waste, no pollution, and the sun will be readily available.

  10. hello dear

    i think your question is the best question in the world because you are the only person who is thinking about energy .

    The best way or the cleanest way of energy is solar energy that does not cost a single penny and also have a great meaning you can use it in diffrent ways like to continue your home appliances and to energising your vehicals that need energy.Today without light we can never survive in this world solar cells are the components that we can use for this purpose and get our lifes best day.

  11. wind, wave, solar, any of the renewables. miles better than nasty old coal and even nastier old nuclear.

  12. solar power

    there is no truly clean energy source, just producing the raw materials to make the turbine panel or whatever pollutes the atmosphere. Solar is the cleanest beacuse despite not working at night, it does not require as many resources as wind turbines or a dam, does not ruin the scenery (usually) and does not make a noise

  13. Man Power

    eat food, convert to energy to do work

    We are part of nature,

    Although looking around the world today,

    Seems like were more like a virus with shoes...

  14. Wind or solar. No harmful carbon emissions and once the equipment is installed it`s free.

  15. Nuclear energy has a very steady cost infrastructure. The most important aspect is that it does not depend upon oil, and it provides continuous output regardless of inclement weather conditions. It's fuel supplies can be found here in the US, and are plentiful.

    Nuclear energy also has very low costs at less than 2 cents /kilowatt hr usage including costs of  plant maintenance.  

    Nuclear energy has a life style admissions comparable to wind and solar energies where its emissions of CO2 are 17 metric tons/giga watt hr.

    Nuclear energy seems to fit right in with speculations of future prices in crude oil and oil production, increasing, and with slower growth in CO2 energy related emissions.

  16. passive solar heating

    you were going to build your house anyway.

    just put the windows on the south side.

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